1 on 1 Liberation Doula Coaching Session

You’re right there—you can feel it, but...

…you’re unsure how to fully answer the call. Or you would like more support in stepping INTO the calling.

You know you deserve more. You feel something deeper calling you into something GREATER in your life. Something LARGER within you wants to emerge. You feel it.

But now what?

You’re not the only one.

Stepping into a spiritual calling can be incredibly isolating and confusing, but you’re not alone.

I spent years wrestling with how to embody stepping into the authenticity of my soul’s expression. To be honest, I was just plain resistant. Life was hard enough as a single mother with limited support. Why add on being an outsider to that as well?!

However, it was that resistance that has given me the empathetic insight and spiritual tools needed to walk with you as you transform your life according to your own divine purpose.

1:1 Lberation Doula Coaching Sessions.

Are you ready to step into your new journey?

Over the course of our time together, you will receive the spiritual support, tangible resources, new artistic practices, and spiritual modality tools you need to connect to your own inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.

What is my coaching philosophy?

Let’s Get RADICAL.

My coaching approach is Radical, meaning “gets to the root”. Spiritual power, at its root, is the power to create. As an artist, I know that creativity is merely harnessing the spiritual power of manifestation to bring an idea from the spirit realm into physical form. To assist you in building your life according to the divine design of your soul’s highest joy and greatest calling, I believe in an approach that is:

  • Spirit-Led.

  • Inquiry-based.

  • Vulnerable, Honest, and Transparent.

  • Artistic.

  • Culturally Responsive & Socially Responsible.

I believe you have the ability to envision your life, transmute your pain, rewrite your story, and bring it into physical manifestation.

The process of creative alchemy is at work.

Let’s discuss how I can help you harness it.

*6, 12, and 18 month options available.