Harriet Tubman as the Patron Saint of Quantum World Building.
What spiritual methodologies and which metaphysics gurus do we lose to erasure from racism, ableism, and sexism?
What if we accurately viewed Harriet Tubman as a Master Teacher and Spiritual Wayshower—qualified to teach us about Manifesting at the End of a World?
Harriet Tubman:
quantum creator of new realities
You want to get FREE. Manifestation is a tool to get free.
You deserve culturally-rooted Esoteric teachings, rooted in Cosmologies of Freedom.
This 8 week journey is for you, the Freedom Lover.
What if, like Harriet, you could create miracles that never fail?
I began my public obsession with Harriet Tubman writing for the 2023 World Premiere of my theatrical production “A Maroon’s Guide To Time and Space” for The Catastrophic Theatre.
In this afrofuturist production, I envisioned Harriet Tubman as a multidimensional time traveler who: encounters spiritual alien guides who taught her to play the time-space continuum as a game of chess, transport across universes by djing an ancestral invoking house track, hosts a multiverse telepathic broadcast of her Oprah-like talk show that gives freedom away. I felt I gave Harriet the multidimensionality that she deserved. I used her presence to open a portal for us in 2023 to keep dreaming of freedoms beyond what we see. I felt our work together was over.
But…she has more to teach us.
I began to look around at the world: wars plaguing the world over colonial agendas. Economic stranglehold, inflation, racial capitalism. Sure doesn’t feel very free.
Surely there are spiritual teachings that can help us create the physical AND spiritual conditions necessary for us to liberate ourselves. But who can guide us?
HARRIET TUBMAN’S LIFE IS A POWERFUL MODEL for the intersection of spirituality, metaphysics, and esoteric application…all applied to the physical conditions of a people in turmoil. The end result: she did the statistically impossible. Not once. Not twice. But over and over. A replicatable miracle that never failed. Who has this track record but a multidimensional genius who was successfully tapping into an unseen realm?
Too many spiritual teachers…
1. Misunderstand Spiritual Power. Many manifestation coaches confuse their racial, gender, and class privileges for genuine spiritual power, and irresponsibility
2. Promote Shallow Teachings. Many New Age teachings promote shadow work, but ignore discussion of the deep-seated traumas inflicted by capitalism and colonialism on marginalized groups.
3. Use Harmful Rhetoric: The emphasis on personal acquisition as “manifestation success” can lead to an individualism that irresponsibly centers Capitalism over communal care and fails to address predatory capitalism.
4. Overlook Wisdoms: Mainstream esoteric communities frequently neglect the profound spiritual wisdoms, practices and contributions of women and African descendent peoples, resulting in a lack of cultural relevance and inclusivity.
Join a community that honors and follows the teachings of Black and Brown Women as Gurus and Master Teachers, offering diverse and empowering role models.
Empower yourself with the tools and wisdom to break free from societal constraints and live a life of true liberation and fulfillment.
Cultivate true abundance that respects and uplifts those living at the intersection of multiple oppressive experiences, moving beyond harmful capitalist ideals.
This is for you, if you feel…
constricted and living a lesser life.
obligated to show up for what’s not feeling good and serve others at your own expense.
life is stealing your creative energy and life force.
hate for your job and/or part of your identity, and you want to experience not having that hate.
you desire to leave, liberate, and expand.
…and you are ready for…
choosing the greater life—the life most delicious.
greater clarity and discernment to choose what is aligned and right for you.
harnessing your creativity and life force for building the world and life you desire.
reclaiming, renaming, and redefining your story and your experiences.
expansion and serving your purpose from your abundance and overflow.
Decolonizing Manifestation Curriculum
In 8 transformative sessions, we explore:
*Introduction to Cosmology
*Deuling Cosmologies: Colonial & Indigenous Cosmologies
*Creating Cosmologies of Freedom
*The Law of Seven/The Hero’s Journey
*The Law of Three, the power of Ritual & the Third Force
*Crafting a Liberated Narrative
*The Power of the Singular “I”
*Performing Liberation
All done in Community with an emphasis on communal care.
Decolonizing Manifestation
Decolonizing Manifestation
Ready to begin your journey from Limitation to Liberation?
Register for the Decolonizing Manifestation journey.
October 12-November 30th.
8 Saturdays. 10am -12pm CST
Scholarship slots available. Email candice@candicedmeza.com to inquire.
Let’s talk: Q & A’s
Let's imagine for a second a world where Black bodies weren't exploited for building the economic foundations of the global capitalist system. Where the economic strangulation and siphoning of the resources--both natural and spiritual--of the "Third World" by the West had not occurred. Let's imagine together a world where we always viewed exchange and reciprocity as divine law and communal care. In this world, art and spiritual caretaking are valued and practitioners are supported in being resourced to care for their families, as they resource others to care for their spirits. THIS IS THE WORLD I OPERATE WITHIN. As a Black Single Mother, I am the primary breadwinner for my family, and I invite us into decolonial practice of using our resources in equitable ways--ways that allow expansion and do not support us in exploitation--whether self-exploitation or otherwise.
There is no guarantee of ROI, as that is solely up to your readiness and willingness, and alignment with the work and even with me as facilitator. I can share what is possible:
You may find that you have the courage & audacity to
quit that job and/or begin that new career you've dreamed about
finish that passion project
leave those draining relationships behind and open to relationships that edify you
f*ck oppressive systems, including oppressive thought systems, and build a new world where you thrive
experience a joy and freedom separate from what happens to you in the external world
Name that life you want and make it happen.
Experience miracles, acts of grace, and awe in greater capacity
Harriet Tubman shows us that this is possible even for those at the farthest margins of society. However, the ability to lay claim to it is dependent upon your willingness to leave all that you've known behind in service of all that can be.
The question is: How much is a new life worth to you?
Those at the margins of society.
Those fed up with what they've been given.
Those tired of their own shit--sick of self betraying, sick of the excuses, sick of settling for a lesser life, sick of blaming others and sick of telling the same tired old stories of victimhood.
Those who are READY.
I can help you get free, but I will not help you get ready. When you're READY, let's get it.
Life has qualified me. My struggles and life path have all led to this. No one can give you a certification in transmuting pain into purpose. It's a choice, and a damn hard one. Yet, in looking back I realize that I gathered all the experiences I needed to be here now.
Let me show you.
Earning a Bachelors in Black Studies taught me about the multiplicity of ways people struggle (and win) against empire. Taught me the value of earnestness, discipline, and vision that I have inherited from my own ancestors. Taught me worldbuilding is my right as a divine human being. My Masters in Public Administration showed me the importance of systems: building systems, evaluating systems, and the ways in which systems operate for the benefit of people or to the detriment of people. My years as an actor taught me how powerful truth in storytelling is for transforming others. Work as an activist taught me about the ego's resistance to change when confronted. Years as a writer and creator taught me how to channel change into format for others to experience at a heart level.
My years as a single mother, as someone who has experienced domestic violence and emotional abuse, who has grown through PTSD, dissociation, depression, and suicidal ideation that our thoughts and the stories we continuously tell ourselves about ourselves and the world we live in are the second devastation of traumatic events. That I can't change my experiences, but if I can change my mind about those experiences, I can experience purpose and greater freedom in spite of and sometimes because of them.
My life devoted to curious exploration with the spirit realm has taught me that nothing is as it seems. What seems stuck and solid may be porous and a breakthrough. That their is power in the ability to observe the world differently than trauma has taught me to. I've experienced unexplained miracles, synchronicities, spontaneous healings, and support that I can't explain.
Why am I qualified? Because I live this. This isn't a gimmick, or an ego boost. This is an outpouring of my life purpose that manifested through immense pain and grief and has been channeled into purpose.
I’m a single momma on a mission: experiment with spirituality and the laws of the cosmos until I find the recipe for how a Black single momma can transform her self, her world, and those around her.
As an artist, an academic, and spiritual practitioner I have always been focused on how our predecessors used spirituality and worldbuilding to radically transform their personal and communal experiences away from oppression. With a Bachelors in Black Studies and a Masters in Public Administration (shoutout Cal State Long Beach), I know all too well the systemic and structural impediments to freedom for strategically undervalued and exploited communities. Yet I grew tired of ranting into the void on social media, I put my focus on transforming through art pedagogies.
To date, I’ve performed in front of thousands of people as an equity theater. Had thousands of people watch my various productions as a multidisciplinary creator. But most importantly, I have transformed myself from victim consciousness into world creator, away from PTSD and depression into more joy and more personal power. Baby, this road isn’t easy. It isn’t for the work. But when you’re finally tired of your own shit, of the same patterns of self-betrayal—you finally understand why Harriet gave everything for her freedom.
I can only share what I know, and what I’ve learned through all these years of trial and error. And thankfully, Harriet has appeared in my life to help me navigate the perilous terrain of late stage capitalism, misogyny/misogynoir to become more of myself than I’ve ever been.
If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO. Harriet Tubman told me so.